Thursday, October 22

My husband the handsome one

I'm on a rush today, but I was organizing pictures from this summer and couldn't help but share this one of Matt wearing Cameron's princess wig. The best part is, without the facial hair, he'd make a really attractive woman! And his legs....if he were a woman.....

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, October 14

Checkin' in and Catchin' Up

Here is one of my quick pages that Cameron and I worked on together. I LOVED this bright pink lined paper (probably the teacher in me) so we made a Top Ten list for 2009. Cameron helped me decide what to write on the list. Here is the list:
1) Princesses (Cinderelly, Sleeping Beauty, all others)
2) Cailou (every day after lunch on Mom's bed)
3)Sonic Cherry Slushes (with a real cherry)
5)"scrapbook" time with Mom
6)Wiggle Cars
7)Your Swingset
8)Dora Memory Match
9) Playing with friends
10)Snack and Tinkerbell

In case you're wondering Snack is her stuffed pink leopard from build a bear. She made it when she was two and a half. I told her to name it after something she liked a lot and she chose "Snack". Because after all, what's better than a snack when you're 2 and a half? Tinkerbell is her other Build-a-bear creation (we make one every year in Eugene when we go to the Logger's Conference with Daddy and have LOTS of time to kill at the mall while he's in classes)and she is a Hello Kitty, but her name is Tinkerbell. Anyways, these are her favorite sleeping partners. She's at such a fun age right now!

And here she is posing in her birthday dress, but didn't want me to forget to document the new princess panties she also got for her birthday. Not probably very lady like, but cute just the same.

And here is a cute one of Tucker. He got this inflatable Superman costume for his birthday because Cameron is always making him play dress up and now he has something "manly" to wear while he's with the girls. Unfortunately, he's scared to death of it because it has a little fan that runs in the back side of it to keep it inflated. This was the only time he would wear it. What a little stud!

Just checkin' in since it's been a few days since I have posted. Matt's Grandfather passed away last Saturday so it has been a rather stressful and hectic week. The funeral is not until Saturday but that still involved organizing babysitting and planning clothing for myself (my last funeral dress was used in 2002--pre baby)and for Matt, who is going to be a pallbearer. I'm pretty sure his suit may have been created in the pre-historic era. Luckily for men, they haven't evolved as much from then so a suit is still just a suit. I think it will work just fine. :)

I have been trying to work through the whole death and dying idea with Cameron without a lot of success. She's definately old enough to understand that Papa Jack won't be around anymore, but she's not old enough to grasp the concept of why, how, and where he went. It's so frustrating to try to explain this to her when her attention span is so short. She thinks that Jesus/God is the Priest at church and she's not sure why Papa Jack lives with him now, or why we wont see him on Sunday. I don't know how to make her understand that the Priest is just a person talking about God. The joys of being four.
On a lighter note, my house is clean, the quilting is put away. And I have decided I am not a quilt. I will stick to sewing paper, it's a lot easier. I am now working on a flip advent calendar for someone for Christmas and it's turning out really cute. I am also creating one piece of a swap on so I will get one in complete one in return. Should be interesting to see what comes back.
Cameron is at preschool and Tucker is coughing his head off. He is really prone to croup, so even when he just has a cough it sounds terrible. The doctor is wanting to remove his tonsils to help prevent this, but I keep waiting it out because he's still so little. I think it's inevitable and will probably happen this year as soon as he is healthy again.
I am headed downstairs to make some applesauce muffins for tonight for dinner and work on planning a big pot of soup. Rainy days just say soup and good bread (or muffins). Have a great day.

Friday, October 9

Friday Football, Babies R' Us, mopping and scrubbin' toilets

I don't know why this one came in sideways, but I"m not gonna fix it so tip your head to the side and enjoy! One of my favorite layouts of all time! The tree is all glitter and the "o" in "grow" is also glittered. The paper is glittered too. I love pink and brown. Last year's family photos. Figured I should get those into a layout because we just got our new one's yesterday. They turned out wonderful! (Will try to post those later this weekend).

Due to the fact that I have spent the last week "quilting", my house is coming down around me. Therefore, today will be a mad dash around to make it look presentable for the weekend. As soon as I quit wasting time on the computer, I have sheets to change on the beds, toilets to scrub, and a kitchen floor that needs mopped. Then it's off to Boise for some much needed groceries and some supplemental baby shower gifts for my sister-in-law's shower tomorrow afternoon. They are having their first baby and it is a boy, making Cameron the only girl with a brother and four boy cousins on the Brown side of the family. She is smack in the middle of the line up and I would hate to be her in high school. That's a lot of male protection. Atleast on the Posten side she has Dallie (my neice from my sister) far.

Tonight we will probably go to my brother's football game here in town and freeze to death in the stands. I'm not a football fan and I'm definately not a cold weather fan of any sort. I dated a guy on the football team at Carroll College and I spent many nights sitting in Butte Montana (coldest hell hole in the world) on two inches of ice on metal stands praying not for a win, but just that they didn't go into overtime....and they always did. It sucked. I swore I'd never do it again, and here I am. Of course, this is nothing like Butte, Montana (did I mention it was ungodly cold?) Last week we went to the BSU game and I froze in the rain again. We left during the third quarter. I'm just not a sports fan. But, watching Gary is worth a little bit of coldness, atleast until half time.
I watched Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and half of The Office last night. Still waiting for another round of quietness to finish The Office (hopefully tonight). I don't think I'm very impressed with any of these shows this year, but, I will still spend two hours a week watching them just to see if they get better.
I just finished up running a fundraiser for Lake Dance Steps, which is where Cameron takes ballet lessons, and I was able to turn in my biggest two week order for Avon ever. It was close to $2500.00 and I am so excited! I am on the fast track for hitting President's Club this year (which means I have sold $10,000 in Avon products in the last year) and then I get a better commission rate on my sales. Exciting!
Cameron had her second soccer game last night and she actually kicked the ball. Twice. Big improvement from last week, where she just stood as close to the coach as possible and watched the excitement. We're hoping by the last game (four to go) she will get in there and try to make a goal. Four year olds and soccer don't go together very well, but it's entertaining and cute. Pictures to come later.....

Wednesday, October 7

BSU Quilts, cupcakes, and other projects

This week has been insane! I started with the great idea of making a Boise State quilt for my brother and sister-in-law's baby shower this Saturday. The kicker....I've never made a quilt. It's coming along...slowly. I just sewed it all together and there are some pieces that are pieced in wrong so tomorrow will be a slow day or picking out stitches...but I will get it right....

Tuesday was Cameron's pseudo birthday at preschool. I am old school. I think if you get a summer birthday, tough luck. No party at school. But it seems to be the trend to celebrate a birthday every darn day so we have to include everyone. Therefore, Cameron was celebrating her psuedo birthday this week. She got the crown and the whole she-bang. Ridiculous, but fun. As soon as I dropped her off at school with cupcakes and drinks, I was off to Carberry to teach another sixth grade art lesson, this time on perspective and watercoloring. It was great, we made some awesome scarecrows using black crayolas and watercolor techniques. Now to get ready for the big ogre project next week (more to come on that later). Now I find out I am teaching Religious Education this week afterall (no lesson plan yet) and trying to make a quilt on crunch time. Why do I do this kind of thing to myself? A normal person would have just gone to the store and bought a diaper genie and called it good. Not me!

Matt is out late tonight. His Grandpa is not doing well at all and he went over to visit with is brothers. I am expecting him home any time, but I am on my second glass of wine and all I can say is "Good night". Enjoy the cards below. Thank you cards for our montly swap.
Birthday card for my sister.

Monkey Card for a Monkey Card swap on I haven't scrapbooked for a few weeks because I have started (but stopped) painting my craft area and then got bored with it. I need to get that finished in between BSU Quilts and other projects. I'm starting to think I'm insane with the amount of crap I take on at one time. Hence the reason why a glass or two of wine a night helps make me realize it really doesn't matter if any or all of it gets finished. Enjoy your evening!