Friday, December 24

Wrapped and Ready

Well, it's official. The presents are wrapped and ready to go and tomorrow is Christmas eve. Cameron is in bed with her hair rolled up into the old school rag curlers, just to make her that much cuter. Tucker is past the point of anxious and is now just in some kind of Christmas haze in which he sits on the couch, quivering a little from pure excitement and then will just randomly holler out Christmas words, such as "Rudolph", or "Jingle Bells", or "Santa"! Poor kid, I don't think he realizes that it's finally here. Remember when we were little and December seemed to just drag and drag and drag? I remember specifically thinking that 17 days until Christmas had might as well have been an eternity. And now, here we are, Moms and adults and there is just not enough minutes in December to put on a proper Christmas. What with the baking, and the family photo for the Christmas cards, and the decorating, the lights, the tree, the shopping, the teacher gifts, the Christmas attire for church, the crafts, and tv shows, and activities, parties, gingerbread houses, etc., it's no wonder that all I want for Christmas is a bottle of wine and a soft place to land for an evening. But, even though it's hectic and chaotic, I love every single second of the preparation for Christmas.
This year we are especially excited because both kiddos are excited as can be, totally understand the concept of Santa, but totally believe in the magic of it all, and what else can you do but make sure it's perfect. Can't wait for Christmas morning.
Anyways, just winding down from another busy day of prep and ready to head off to bed so we can get up and start the procession of gifts, which starts Christmas Eve Morning at 10 with breakfast and gifts, then home for resting and ready for Church at 5, where both kids will be sheep in the Christmas play. Then out to Grandparent's house for 17 pounds of Prime Rib, Shrimp Cocktail, and all the fixins, home, up for Santa, kick back in a haze of battery operated toys, then over to other Grandparent's house for dinner and then back home for more fun with toys and our new Nintendo Wii that Santa is bringing for the kids.
Hope your Christmas is wonderful.

Thursday, December 23

My Year In Status

Anybody out there heard of facebook? Of course you have, and if you're like me, you realize what a time sucker it can be. And the newest application that will suck the time right out of your day is the Year in Status application. Facebook is able to go back in and find random posts from your 2010 and organize them into this beautiful template that makes your life not look quite like such a chaotic train wreck. Until you start reading and you realize that over a fourth of your posts involve puke or other bodily functions of children. And then you realize that yes, this is exactly what my 2010 looked like. And it makes me smile. Because some day I won't have any puke to clean up, or kids cranked out on sugar highs, or contractions to watch and compalin about. And for now, this is life defined as perfect. If you get a chance, check out this application. It's the perfect waste of a chunk of your day.

Tuesday, December 21

Is it time yet? I can't wait

Is it time yet? I can't wait is the theme around our house right now....I saw this commercial on tv and thought of Cameron and Tucker on Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Radio City Rockettes

So tonight I got to go see the Radio City Rockettes here in Boise and I must say I was absolutely fascinated with this show. It was awesome. Cameron was so excited while she sat and giggled about the dancing Santas and all of the girls in their fancy costumes. If you ever have a chance to go see this show, go.

Gearing up for Christmas around these parts. Busy Busy Busy is the theme around here. Hoping to settle in and catch up on the blog next week. For now, hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 4

Kindergarten Balls

I picked Cameron up from school the other day and was trying to make conversation while we drove. I asked her who had show and tell and she told me his name. I then asked what he had to share. She said he just had something to tell. He told us about his balls that he left at home. He really likes to play with his special balls, but he forgot to bring them to school. He's going to try to remember to bring his balls next time.

It might be the fact that we were snowed in for two days and the only people I've communicated with were under the age of six. But I couldn't help but smile.

Tuesday, November 23

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Black Friday!!!!!

So it's here...Black Friday. I don't know what it is about this, but the obsession with getting a good deal on anything this week is almost more than I can stand. Except I am more confused than ever because Amazon is doing black friday today, and I already made a mad dash to Target for their "Pre Black Friday event" on Sunday. And all of a sudden, I don't know if it's really worth going out with all the crazies at all when everything is already on sale. But what if there is something that I just have to have....

We live in a society where we give thanks on Thursday and spend time with family and appreciate all the good things we have...until 11:59 pm. Then, at midnight, it's GOBBLE PALOOZA AT OLD NAVY! Have you seen the ads for this? MIDNIGHT. Seriously. I love a good sale. I LOVE Black Friday. But midnight? Gobble Palooza? For $5 pajama pants?

OR you can shop at Walmart starting at midnight. Until the electronics go on sale at five am. So are they wanting me to actually shop from midnight until five? Browse for five hours just to get ahold of $89 Nintendo DSI's? Because you know you're going to have to be there at midnight just to even get close to the damn things. But in the meantime, how much extra stuff are you going to justify? And how many over tired, over fed people are they going to pack into that store? Part of me knows better than to go....but there is that bad shopping fairy sitting on my shoulder saying, " know there's going to be bath towels for $2......"

This year I have Brody. Therefore, I will not be standing in line outside of Target for two hours like I did last year. All for a $40 Disney Freaking Princess Piano that was supposed to be $100 and only on sale for that morning. Sunday I went to Target and it was still there for $40. But, it was all about the experience. I had never been so jacked up for something on sale before. My little sister and I totally tag teamed the store and got some killer deals. And it. was. awesome.

So, when Brody decides to get up, I will head over then. Beat the crowds and only hear stories about what a Gobble Palooza might look like. But there's always next year when Brody is old enough to stay home with Dad!

Sunday, November 21

My Grand Finale

Just had to share a few updated photos of my Grand Finale. Gonna be hard to tell this little guy no, for sure! So loving having Brody here!

Monday, November 15

Halloween Mishaps

Our Halloween actually began on October 1st. Desperate for some peace and quiet right after Brody was born, I sent the kids out front to play with the neighbor kids. I was able to leave the front door open so I could hear the squabbles and comings and goings, and they were playing right around the garage. I decided this was going pretty well, and Brody was sleeping, so I got out the fall decor. I found the bag of packed away costumes and decided to let the kids dig through them and play. I handed the bag out the door and they were happily digging and trying on costumes. The next thing I know, Cameron comes in and wants to know if I have any candy so they can "go trick-or-treating". I handed them a handful of smarties and out the door they went. I assumed they were trick-or-treating with each other. Suddenly, in the middle of my decorating, I realized it was awfully quiet outside. I went to the door and found them across the street trick-or-treating at the nieghbors house a few doors up. And they were actually scoring the goods! I immediately called them home and explained to them that trick-or-treating actually wasn't for an entire month, and they couldn't just go knocking whenever they needed some candy. But, they looked completely confused because they had hit up four different neighbors and all four had given them candy. I'm pretty sure the neighbors have been wondering if I have actually lost my mind, but this one absolutely confirms what I have been trying to hide. It's official. I am a mom of three, and therefore, one of the crazies.

A few weeks later, I realized that making costumes was out this year, due to the fact that Brody doesn't let me do anything except nurse, so we got out the Costume magazine, that of course came in August and was completely dog earred and torn apart and we looked for options.

Cameron couldn't decide between an I Dream of Jeannie costume or a Princess Fairy thing of some sort. Both pink, both equally cute. But girly girly girly. We pushed for the Genie. Not because she has any idea what I Dream of Jeannie is all about, but because it was a lot cheaper.

Tucker changed his mind about 300 times. He was really shooting for this scary clown.
But, eventually I talked him out of it and into SpiderMan.

Anyways, here they are after their costumes arrived in the mail.

And finally, after a month of festivities, Halloween arrived. I talked my 15 year old sister into coming down and taking the kids out trick-or-treating. We hit five different Grandma's houses, a couple of trick-or-trunks, and then we headed home where Marianne, her boyfriend Casey, my brother Gary, and a girl who is his "friend" showed up all eager to have an excuse to trick or treat. They were all excited and it was chaotic and finally they all headed out the door. An hour and a half later, here they came, loaded down with Candy and told me that Tucker was a trooper, but was walking funny and tip-toeing. Finally somebody asked him where his shoes were, and they were at home. The kid walked for an hour and a half in the cold, on the rocky streets, and through wet grass, and never said a word! He did get carried most of the way home after they realized it.

So Halloween has come and gone. The Candy has been sorted, rationed, hid, and eaten mostly by Mom and Dad. We are down to the dum dum suckers and the yucky taffy. And Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Looking forward to my first parent teacher conference that week for Cameron and then enjoying the family on both sides as we celebrate by eating too much and just being thankful for all that we have.

Sunday, November 7

Are You Kidding Me?

So in preparation for the hours spent nursing and staying up all night, I have been TiVo-ing things that I normally would not waste time or mental energy on. I just finished watching the entire show from episode 1 to the end of Friday Night Lights and then it was on to Sister Wives. A TLC show that was advertised heavily and had been promoted on shows such as The Today Show. I was not prepared for what I was about to experience.

This is the show about the Brown Family. Except the family consists of one father, and 12 kids, one on the way to make 13, and wait for it....THREE wives. Obviously, I knew from the advertisements that this was a reality series about a Fundamentalist Mormon Family living their polygamist life style in Utah. What I was not prepared for was the utter disgust I would feel when watching this guy interact with his wives. In all my 29 years, I have never felt the urge to label somebody as a "Douche Bag", but there is not a better label for this guy.

Seriously. The guy skips around his house like the happiest man ever. And I guess you would be if you were getting laid every night without fail, because, well, if one isn't going to put out, you can bet just down the hall he can find one that will. Although,they explain about the "Every third night" rotation that they are on. And each is very protective of her long awaited for time with this jackass. I just can't believe the three of them don't just gang up on him and say enough already, what does this look like, the breeding pen at the County Fair? And it basically is, because there are 12 kids, 13 is on the way, as we all get to experience in the second episode. Gag.

These women are brainwashed to the max. Two grew up in this lifestyle, the other I guess just woke up one day and decided she had to have this stud. And he's not very attractive, kind of metrosexual, and kind of bald when he flips back his sexy mane in an attempt to "court" his harem of women.

And it is all about the "courting" as we soon find out. He is skipping out on his love time with the wives to "court" a new one that lives five hours away. And this gal is seriously his soon to be Trophy Wife. Because no good polygamist would be happy with three who have beared his children and might have gained some weight, look tired and haggard from the incessant amouts of children that run through the house, and are still trying to be the perfect wife for Mr. Jackhole. But only every third night.

This gal may be hot, but she comes with some baggage, and that would be three more kids, which I guess will just get thrown into the pot of "Brothers from another Mother" and "Sisters from the same Mister". But the women happily welcome her to the nightly sex cycle, they all go to taste wedding cake together, and even buy her a special ring to welcome her to the "Sisterhood". Once again, I am trying not to vomit while I watch this whole train wreck continue through seven episodes. And of course I'm hooked, but not in a mentally healthy way. I have to keep watching because if I ever see this guy in public, I would seriously have a difficult time not just walking up to him and punching him right in his very fertile nuts. And of course I'm wondering why I just dedicated not only seven hours of viewing time, but an entire blog post to this Douche Bag and his poor wives. And I conclude that if you're looking for something new and entertaining to waste your time on, then this show is for you. Or, if you ever wondered what people mean when they call somebody a "Douche Bag", then this show is absolutely the perfect answer to the question.

And that's my rant for the day.

Wednesday, October 27

Tucker Goes to Preschool

Once upon a time, there was a sweet little angel boy named Tucker. While his sister was at school, he would angelically play with is toys or watch a cartoon while I did my housework or took a shower. I could drink tea, read a magazine, etc. because he was happy to entertain himself.

Tucker was technically old enough to start a 3 year old Preschool, but Mommy loved having him at home, and he was a little immature and babyish. He still had a few accidents and he was hard to understand. And while his sister was more than ready to go to school at this age, Tucker was just not. And that was a-okay with Mommy.

Fast forward a month to the middle of October...
After Baby Brody had made his appearance, Tucker realized that he was not the baby anymore. All of a sudden, entertaining himself and following Mommy around all morning was not fun anymore. In fact, he all of a sudden started talking in never stopping talking. Trying to get Mommy's attention. All day long. And basically being a royal pain in the butt while Mom nursed the baby. As soon as she would get settled in, Tucker would need something. As soon as Brody was latched on and nursing well, Tucker would need to go to the bathroom, and all of a sudden he wasn't able to go on his own. It was as if he had lost his place and was desperately trying to find a new one.

("Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.....Hey, Mommy, watch this! Look at me, not Brody. Mommy, Mommy, Mommy." "What, Tucker?" "Hi Mommy.")
For the love of God.

Luckily Mommy talked to another Mommy friend who talked about her own three year old going to Preschool and there was one spot open in the afternoon. All of a sudden, Tucker was not so babyish after all. He actually talked pretty darn well, and so what if the teacher couldn't understand him. She called the school at 10:30 and they said, YES! Tucker was scheduled to start that very day at 12:30. And he was excited. And so was Mommy. Maybe this would give him a reason to stop the incessant baby talk and start being able to go to the bathroom on his own again. So we loaded up in the car and headed to Kings. The only store in Emmett that might possibly have a backpack this late in the year. Low and behold, one small backpack hung on the wall. There was no drama. Tucker was very excited for this backpack. So we bought it and off we went to eat lunch and go to school.

There are eight 3-year olds in his class, the rest are four. There are a bunch of immature boys that he loves to play with. He loves loves LOVES school. He is so excited to have something to do and has even decided to go to the bathroom on his own again. Most of the time.

And here is the big preschool boy on his first day. When I picked him up he was knee deep in pea gravel and shovels and dump trucks, so his pants are filthy. He comes home every day dirty and covered in snacks. And it's fabulous. Thank God for preschool!

Tuesday, October 26

Ten Years

A quick post of another layout I finished up this summer. This one is a photo of me and my bestie from high school on the weekend of our ten year reunion. I used all scraps of paper from a My Minds Eye packet I had picked up a while ago, the tickets were left over from some raffle that Cameron was involved in. Quick and easy, love how it turned out. Trying harder to include myself in some of our scrapbooks instead of just simply the kiddos. If only I looked this good right now...

Monday, October 25

My life is officially classified as "Chaotic".

I took this picture because I thought for one fleeting second that this was cute. I had no idea that Brody would never experience any sort of relaxing bathtime that didn't look like this. Ever. Unless I wait until late at night. After the other two have gone to sleep. And even then, I am usually multi-tasking. I actually had Brody in the bathtub last night, and I was shaving my legs with a razor and lotion while standing in front of him. I felt bad because when Cameron was a baby, I would spend hours loving pouring water over her belly, singing, talking, wasting the day. When Tucker was little, I would still take the time because I could put Cameron in the big tub beside us, and she was content to play with her toys in the bubble bath while I lovingly wasted the time on Tucker. With Brody, he's an every other day bath baby, and even then I smell him to see if he even really needs one. He has bathtime helpers (Cameron and Tucker)who scare the hell out of me, so his baths either a) last 35 seconds, just long enough to wash the puke off of his body but not long enough for anyone to accidentally drowned him or b) last longer, but only because he is quiet and I can stand and shave my legs or clean the sink while he is soaking. I feel guilty, but my legs are completely shaved for the first time in a month, and that has to count for something. And I figure in the long run, if I hide the scrapbooks, he'll never know what he's missing by being the third baby.

Monday, October 18

Scrapbook Layout

Just a quick post to show one of my layouts that I have been working on while up with Brody. Gotta love middle of the night scrapbooking!

This was actually Cameron around her fourth birthday, all in pink and tan as can be from lots of hours in the swimming pool.

We are slowly adjusting to life around here with three. Although I feel like I just run and run and run and time life around nursing. It's funny how fast you forget that all you do is nurse and nurse and nurse at the beginning. But, Brody is gaining an ounce a week and cute as can be, so I am pretty excited. Loving him, can't imagine our family without him. The perfect caboose to our train of kids. Pictures of him to come.

Tuesday, October 12

Halloween Project

Just a quick October craft post. These are the Halloween cards I created for our monthly swap. This is a Jillibean Soup line that I couldn't resist working with. I am also using these for some of Tucker's pages that are not necessarily Halloween related. Loving the Monster theme that is so popular right now.

Sharin' the Love

So my friend Bonnie (some of you locals know her), is venturing into the awesome field of photography and photo editing. She has been asking me for atleast a month to photograph Cameron, mainly because Cameron was born with a camera in her face and loves loves LOVES to pose. Unlike most kids her age, she thrives off of being in front of the spotlight, so here are some of her shots. And if you like what you see, then by all means, contact Bonnie. She's doing some awesome work lately!

Bonnie's Website

Saturday, October 9

Fishin' in the Dark

Two weeks ago, I was having contractions and my Mom and Dad took the kiddos for the night, I think hoping that I would just focus and get this kid out. Needless to say, it didn't happen. So, when we went to pick them up, they were out at my Uncle's pond fishing for bass. In their church shoes. So we got to do some fishing, and the bass were a biting. And the kids were loving it.

I can still remember fishing with my old push button reel when I was about Cameron's age. And there are pictures in the family photo album of me in the 80's style summer clothing reeling them in and grinning from ear to ear, so these photos just make me happy. Tucker loves loves loves to get in and kiss the fish before they get thrown back, and Cameron swears she won't be kissing anything ever, so that makes me happy too.

SO here are a few photos of two weeks ago fishing. I stayed well behind the camera for these, as I was big as an ox. But I did get in and catch a few myself, all the while, having contractions the whole time. It was a fun evening.

Friday, October 8

Introducing Brody

Finally, after being dialated to a four, then apparantly not even dialted to a one, then dialted to a six and completely ready to go, to then dialted to a three or four, three weeks of hard contractions that kept stopping and starting again, an extra trip to labor and delivery and one wild 90 mph ride to the hospital, Brody Steven Brown is here. The little stinker, I thought he'd never come out. But, one look at him was all it took to make it all worth while. I am in love for the third time. Always a little bit shocked at how much love you can have for something so soon. And so happy to have such a beautiful, healthy final addition to the family.

The kids had given up hope that he was ever going to come and I was about to decide that maybe they were right. So I was pretty happy it happened at night while they were sleeping. When the kids got up in the morning, Grandma Kris was there and they already had a new baby brother to come and visit in the hospital. They were pretty excited.

Cameron immediately wanted to help hold him and change his diaper and rock him. She was completely mesmerized. Tucker on the other hand, realized that the bed would go up and down and you could call the nurse for ice water with just the push of a button. He was right on it any time I needed something. But, even with a short attention span, it was obvious that he was the big brother and was darn proud of it.

You can't beat this picture. The closest relationship you'll ever have is that of a sibling. No matter how much you don't get along or what age difference there is between you, this is what matters.

And here is Mr. Handsome. 8 pounds 4 ounces, 20 inches long. Got the infamous "Brown nose", immediately the nurses were commenting on how much he looks like Matt. And I think he looks alot like the kids too, but different complexion.

We almost didn't get any photos because he came so fast we had the camera and the video camera out in the car. They waited to weigh him so Matt could run out and grab the camera. But, I'm still dissappointed not to have any barely out photos like I do with the other kids. I am not dissappointed, however, that he came 17 minutes after we arrived at the hospital.

Matt had gone to the Oregon State/Boise State game that afternoon. I was having contractions, but had about given up on them ever progressing, so I told him to go. He had been hovering around for the past day or so, thinking that it was going to happen any time. Matt doesn't do week with idle time. I was ready to pull my hair out. I had walked the neighborhood a thousand times. I had bounced like mad on the exercise ball. I had done everything I could possibly think of to get things rolling, and I was just plum exhausted. While Matt was at the game, I went out to Chinese food with my Mom and Grandma. I was noticing a difference in the contractions around 8 pm, but still didn't consider that they might be the real deal. Came home, put the kids to bed around 9. Still having contractions. Matt got home at 11, still having them, but getting progressively stronger. Still not realizing that these were it. Matt went to bed, I went to the recliner. I dozed between them until 2 am. Realized they were actually hurting. Kept dozing between them, still 10 minutes apart. Woke Matt up at 3 am. Told him they were still 10 minutes apart, but we needed to go. I was pacing around and they were hurting. As soon as he called his Mom and we got ready to go, they went from 10 minutes to 2 minutes. I was a little nervous at that point we had waited too long. We left at 3:20, Matt got out to Substation/Highway, realized he left his cell phone, went back, took off for real. 2 minutes apart. Then 1 minute, then one on top of the other. I kept watching the spedometer, we were going 90 mph at some points on the road. I was reaching down and checking to make sure he wasn't already out, there was so much pressure.

We pulled into St. Lukes and Matt jokingly asked if I needed a wheelchair. I told him yes, take me to the ER door and get me one. He looked a little shocked. I couldn't have walked in if I tried. It took me two contractions just to get in the chair. Nurse wheeled me up to labor and delivery while Matt parked the car.

Checked in at the front desk. Nurse has the nerve to ask what seems to be the problem. I tell her "I need a room now." She continues to type away at her computer. Has me sign consent forms. I tell her again, "I need a room now". Finally gets on the phone to tell another nurse that I need to be checked. I tell them, "I don't need to be checked, I need a room". Still get to be checked. They check, and immediately call the on call doctor and prepare for delivery. I work my way onto the bed, the on call doctor checks me, breaks my water, and in one gush, I start pushing and he's out. I'm pretty sure I only pushed about four or five times total. Brody was out 17 minutes after I checked in. Matt was just getting comfortable into his chair in the corner to wait it out when the doctor delivered him. Easiest birth ever. No pitocin. No drugs. Not even an IV. Natural as natural could be. If there would have been any traffic on Eagle Rd., whatsoever, I would have had him in the car. If my water would have broken at home, I would have had him on the floor. Now that I'm done having kids, I've got this figured out. And since I wasn't cranked out on Pitocin for 12 hours like Tucker, I wasn't exhausted, I'm not hormonal, I feel fabulous.

I am just so darn thankful that everything went well, and truly blessed beyond measure. God has given Matt and I the most perfect family for us. We are so fortunate and so satisfied with our small "herd" of kids. I'm so glad that we decided to go for number three. It's five more years of me at home, and gobs and gobs of doctor bills, another college education to pay for, but Brody is priceless.

Saturday, September 18

The Countdown Is On

Just so you know...this is officially the LONGEST I have ever been pregnant. I am 39 weeks today and I know, I know, I'm not even late yet...but with Cameron and Tucker I was finished by now and home. This sucks. I have had contractions for over a week. Hard ones. Not these pansy-ass Braxton-Hicks fake contractions that women compain about. These are the real deal...BUT....every time I think about going to the hospital, BAM! They peeter out to nothing and I am left sore and exhausted. Apparantly this kid absolutely does NOT want to come out, because not only is he still in there, at my last appointment on Thursday, he had actually moved back up further than he was the previous week. Yup, he hears what goes on in this crazy house, and he actually grabs on to my uterus and climbs BACKWARDS for dear life. Poor guy. I don't know how to convince him that he'll adjust to the chaos and it's not nearly as bad as what it probably sounds like from in there. And quite honestly, this uterus is about to close down. So, today I plan to do the following:

Balance the checkbook
Bounce on an exercise ball while watching Free HBO Weekend on TV
Bounce some more
And time contractions

And hopefully that dang ball will push him back down where he has to atleast try to see daylight. But, as I type, both kids are pretending to be cows and Mooing around. They sound demented, a little possesed, and quite honestly, if I had a uterus to crawl into, I would have by now. I really can't blame him for wanting to stay.

Thursday, September 9

This is how you know I'm exhausted

This is how you know I'm exhausted. He's drinking his milk...with a spoon...naked. And I don't even care. Did I mention I have about two weeks to go until due date?

Monday, September 6

Fairy Notes and Five Year Olds

I had a great idea. I thought it would be fun for Cameron and her friends to make Fairy Houses at her birthday party. We found tiny flower pots, turned them upside down and painted and decorated them with a door, some ribbon and some flowers. Then they were supposed to take their fairy houses home, put them somewhere close to a garden or flowers, and see if they could catch a fairy. We even talked about the fact that fairies are small and shy. So they are very DIFFICULT to actually catch.

Cameron of course, took hers out to the garden, and proceeded to check her house hourly. She was clearly getting frustrated with this whole fairy operation. She then went and added some glitter and cleared a trail so the fairy could find it. Still nothing.

Then the most frustrating thing happened. The neighbor girl got a fairy note in her house across the street. So we checked for a few more days and nothing. Finally, I was starting to feel bad about the whole situation, and Cameron finally found a fairy note in her house. The note explained that this particular fairy was small and very shy (already explained) and that she would probably not see her because she was afraid of Sammy, and so on, but she LOVED her house. I thought this would be the end of the fairy quest. But, Cameron being Cameron, is now more determined than ever to show this fairy whose boss.

Rosebud Sparkle Fairy, I'd watch out, because if you're out there, you're going to get caught. Cameron is determined she will coax her out of her shyness and has not given up yet...and her birthday was a month ago. I would have never guessed that this would continue this long.

One More Summer Update

Because it's officially the "End of Summer" today, I thought I'd update with a few more summer pics. These are Cameron's 5th birthday shots.

Here she is opening gifts with the family. She is wearing her newest fairy costume, regardless of the fact that I had a nice birthday dress for her to wear that evening. Oh well, if there's anybody that can pull off the fairy look, it's her.

And here she is proud to be five. Face paint compliments of my sister from the party earlier in the day. Don't look too closely for perfection on her cake. This was her second cake for the day, just for family, and I was EXHAUSTED! She was lucky it got frosted and the fairy wands got stuck in the top. Not what I had invisioned, but when it's this hot and I'm this preggo, this is what you get.

On the other hand, this is the invitation to the fairy party that I did for the girls. We bought wings from a fairy website (yes, they have those). Then I wrapped them in cello and tulle and added a stamped fairy image with invite to the front. I was pretty proud of how these turned out.

A close up of the stamped and colored image.

Our fairy party. I made big tissue paper flowers for each of the chairs and decorated with streamers. Not able to balance on chairs, again leads to some that are not exactly what I would have liked, but this is what we went with.

All in all, it turned out to be a great party. We had a scavenger hunt, made fairy houses, and ate fairy berries and fairy punch. I think Cameron was pleased and is already planning for next years event.

Tuesday, August 31

For my Gal Pal

I found these on here and my girl friend needs these for her Project Life. So, to prevent going up and booting up the old computer, I am going to see if she can just steal them off of here! For all the rest of you, can't you just hardly wait for hot summer evenings full of birthday cakes and bounce houses? Come on summer!

Best Buddies

Monday, August 30

Catching Up on Summer

Now that there is some relief in sight from this god forsaken heat, I have the energy not only to down load pictures, but maybe even post some of my Summer creations here on my blog. I am actually smiling today. It is a little bit cold. I almost put on a jacket this morning. But....I don't have one that actually fits my huge belly.

This is a picture of Tucker's birthday cake. The one that he ate the wheel off of. I don't know if I posted that on here or not, but I had made the cake that afternoon, it was cooling in perfect Martha Stewart Style on my rack on the counter. I had to run to the store for some Tylenol because somebody was feverish (can't remember who or why), so I seriously left Matt in charge for 15 minutes. When I came back, I should have known something was wrong because he was sitting up straight and tall with Tucker beside him, both looking equally guilty. He told me he only turned his back for a few minutes (which usually means he's in the bathroom doing his business forever, or on his phone, or checking craigslist) and Tucker ate the wheels off his cake. Tucker immediately starts crying because he knows he's in serious crap. And me, being too tired to start over, get pissed and just tell him he's having a Lightening McQueen cake without any wheels. Awesome. Anyways, after calming down, I realized I could probably just fill the wheel area with frosting and patch it up, and the kid is after all only three, so that's what I did. It was gloppy and floppy and full of frosting, but the wheels are there and Tucker was happy so I guess this is my attempt at Lightening McQueen.

Our weekend was great. The kids stayed at the Grandparents' house overnight. Matt and I went to dinner at Olive Garden, where I totally got my money's worth of the never ending bowl of pasta for $8.95. I ate and ate and ate not so much because I was eating for two, but simply because I could. I figure I'm over 200 pounds now, what shame is there if I continue to gain? Dare me to keep gaining? Watch me. We went and watched The Switch with Jennifer Anniston, which was cute, and then like the book nerd that I am, topped off the night by going to Barnes and Nobles to buy some much needed smut to read while I'm stuck on the couch getting fatter and fatter.

Today I am nesting. Have I mentioned how much I hate nesting? But I am. I'm having the incredible urge to clean Matt's closet and paint our hallway, so that's what I'm doing. The kids are outside swimming, even though it's not very warm, but they're fighting for summer and I, of course, don't care what they're doing as long as they're not bugging me. Tucker has managed to find a huge pile of dog poop...on the sidewalk. And he's riding his trike around it, just trying to decide if it's worth it to ride through it, even though I thoroughly explained the consequences and repurcussions of choosing to do this activity. He is three however, and a pile of poop on a sidewalk is pretty we will see what happens. I'm not betting money on my discussion of cleaning poop off his trike tires is going to keep him out of it. Anybody wanna wager?

Friday, August 27

Seven Years

August is full of milestones for my family. And this weekend is our seventh wedding anniversary. Yup. Seven. And while we never quite looked like this couple, our wedding was beautiful and perfect for us. And so is our marriage. It may not be Hollywood's version of happily ever after, but the two of us work. Better when I'm not huge, and fat, and bitchy. But it still kinda does. And I feel so blessed that I met Matt and that we have come so far in seven years.

And maybe classy and vintage isn't our look, but this was one we certainly pulled off last fall...

And here is a classic look....

And here we are leaving our own wedding...

No top hat and tails for this Logger. Nope, couldn't even leave the tux on to get out of the reception. Carried a t-shirt and a ball cap with us. Seriously. But this is what I have grown to love about Matt. Matt, I love you more today than I ever have before. It's been a great ride so far...

Thursday, August 26

Big Girls and Broken Bones

As I may have already told you, on Cameron's birthday party, we had a Fairy Tea Party for some of her friends. I decided that Tucker probably didn't need to be involved in this activity, so my Mom came and picked him up. He was happy to go to McDonald's for a Happy Meal with Grandma. While he was out there, however, my 17-year old brother, who is also the quarterback of the high school football team and Tucker's hero worship, was playing football with him. Apparantly, he forgot that Tucker was not part of the high school team because things got pretty rough. Rough to the point of my brother falling on Tucker's foot and hurting him pretty bad. He wouldn't walk on it at all. My Mom tried to get him to stop crying, but the trauma of it made him cry himself to sleep. Since he was able to sleep for two hours, my Mom thought it was probably going to be okay. My brother, on the other hand, sat and waited for the swelling to begin, because he knew how much impact had been in the fall. A few hours later, they brought him home, where he good naturedly crawled around on the floor avoiding all pressure on his foot. We decided to wait and see if it would be any better in the morning. I always thought a break would swell, turn black and blue, or do something to let you know that it was in fact broken. However, what is true in an adult bone is not true in a three year old. It never really swelled, it never really turned blue, it didn't do anything.

The next day really didn't show any change in it physically and Tucker still wasn't even walking at all. I made him an appointment to see the Orthopaedic Clinic in Boise, because quite honestly, they'd still be standing there scratching their head if I had taken him to Emmett. (Another joy of living in a small town.)

I really thought I was overreacting. When the doctor came in and told me it was broken in three places, I felt like the worst Mom in the world. They casted him and Tucker chose blue, so he was tickled to death. Luckily, little bones heal fast, so we only had to deal with the cast for three weeks. Here is a shot of the cast after three weeks of wear and tear.

And here is a picture of Tucker just milking it for all it's worth. He totally knows he's my boy. I think he'll be sad to not have so much attention now that it's off.

Me on the other hand, am relieved to get rid of the stinky boy foot smell that was beginning to smell a lot like a dead dog. It is IMPOSSIBLE to clean a three year old boy without being able to soak them in a warm and full bathtub. He was grubby between his toes, stinky all over the place, and just plain disgusting. Last night we came home and had a 45 minute soak in lots and lots of soap. And then we scrubbed him down like he'd been a orphan for his first three years. And my boy smells like a wet puppy again instead of a dead dog.

Oh, and the good Mom that I am, didn't know that Tucker had taken a screw and stuck it down in his cast. It was imbedded into the side of his leg. Can you imagine walking around in a cast with a screw in the side of your calf? I would have gone crazy! He didn't even make a fuss. Kids are way to resilient to things.

Other excitement in our week is that Cameron got to start kindergarten today. Here she is in her carefully planned Hello Kitty outfit and Disney Princess backpack. Not my choice of backpacks, for sure, but she thinks it is the coolest thing ever.

And I got a little teary eyed when I was taking these pictures because she's just growing up so fast. And as ready as I am for her to be in school, I couldn't help but be a little bittersweet about sending her there. Being a teacher myself, I had only walked those halls and considered the school through the perspective of a teacher. And today, when we were walking down the hall, I started to look around with the perspective of a parent. So many things could happen to my baby there, it's hard to just block it out and be positive, but that's what you have to do. Be positive and know that she's going to love it. And pray for her. I stood over her bed last night and just prayed that this was the beginning of something wonderful for her. It's amazing how much you just hope and dream for you kids. And then you kiss them good bye and before you know it, they're driving to high school and you don't get to come down the hall with them at all.

But for today, I have a five year old who is a little scared and a lot excited and I'll take that.

Tuesday, August 24

Turning 29

I confess that my current pregnant status may be affecting my mood and outlook on all aspects of life from friends to kids to love. Sorry.

I turned 29 today. And supposedly 29 is the new 19? I googled "turning 29" today. There are massive amounts of blog posts on this topic. There are links to turning 29 jokes. There are ways to "survive" turning 29. And really, after reading just a small handful of these posts, I realize I'm a lot more content with my current situation than some of these people. I didn't wake up in a panic because my twenties are on the way out. But I did wake up and think, holy hell, was it only eight years ago that I was counting the days to be 21? Where has the time gone?

I'll tell you where it's gone. It's gone to getting married, graduating college, working, staying at home with two kiddos, miscarriage, 3 pregnancies, weight loss challenges, side jobs, hobbies, excursions, vacations, housework, and keeping my head afloat to prove that I am still the girl I used to be underneath all this pregnancy fat and kiddos.

I really am still the girl I was at 19. I know I am. Somewhere. I still like the same things. Laugh at the same jokes. Watch the same trashy tv. But now I have to tivo it and watch it later. If I can stay awake. My friends are some of the same, and some of the new. Playgroups influence who you hang out with. And that is okay. My world doesn't revolve around myself anymore. My world revolves around ballet schedules and Disney princess backpacks and appointments to get casts removed. I don't sleep until they sleep, and yet, I still probably sleep more than I did when I was in college. Our "fun money" goes to paying off doctor bills and eating out at restaurants with people dressed as big red birds waving us in from the main road. And those gross ass playlands. And I'm happy.

If turning 29 is the end of the beginning, as some bloggers call it. Then I really can't wait to see what 30 brings. Mind you, I STILL have an entire YEAR before I'm that old (ha), but the thirties mean more confidence. I am done having kids, now I just need to raise them. The drama of the 20's isn't there. Atleast that's what I'm told. So for now, I'm enjoying being woke up at 7:30 by Cameron, more excited than me that today I'm the "birthday girl". I have already gotten five or six handmade cards from her. Tucker wants to make me a cake. It's nice to have these littles here who just care that it's a special day for me. They don't realize that Mom is OLD. Yet. And I"ll take that.

Saturday, August 21

My photo choice for the day

I love this shot. And in an attempt to be keep you guys from thinking this blog has become nothing but a bitch session for pregnant me, here is a photo I just had to share. I found this on in her gallery of "love" photos. It didn't catch my eye first, but then I really went back to look and I just love the contrast of the young couple and the old couple. Both equally in love, but what a lifetime of memories the old couple must have and what an exciting place to be when you are first in love with somebody.

There's not alot I can say about this photo that isn't being said just by looking at it. Enjoy your weekend. And thanks for sticking around, those of you whom I haven't scared away by now with my crazy hormonal rants.

Wednesday, August 18

This Is What 35 Weeks Does NOT Look Like On Me

I am huge. I am swollen. I am sweaty and sticky and rubbing together. I have body parts that have never been introduced to each other and they are now happily stuck together in a sweaty love affair. Unwillingly at first, but getting used to it now. I consider the heat before I do anything. And usually can talk myself out of most anything because of it. I am unreasonable. And forgetful. And short tempered. And impatient. And miserable because I know all of this. I am restless. Tired. Anxious. And finished. And I still have a month to go.

I wake up from sleeping on six pillows, two propped between my legs just to avoid rolling over from the weight of my belly or the weight of my huge ass pulling me from side to side, and I am still tired. I pee on a regular schedule and it is less than one hour intervals. I dream psychotic dreams when I do manage to fall asleep at all. I hate night time. And while I lay there awake, I just think about how badly I need this sleep because the baby isn't going to sleep. Ever. And then I just get pissed and move to the couch or recliner or even the kids bedroom and think about how great it's going to be to not be pregnant again. Ever.

Every time I go anywhere, somebody asks me all cheery, "Oh, cute! When are you due?" To which I force myself to answer civily that my due date is September 25th. They then either squeal a little bit or jump a little bit and cheer me on like it's not that far away. Not that far away? How long has it been since they were so fat and hot and sweaty that they had to apply deoderant to body parts that stick together and baby powder to other parts that rub together because of the 50 pounds that I have managed to pack on for this kid? Have they worn a winter coat and went to Albertsons when it's 98 degrees with a 3 year old in a walking cast and a 5 year old telling you every move to make? Have they sat on the edge of a pool in a swim suit trying not to traumatize the onlookers by holding onto the bottom of your tankini to avoid the belly popping out and scaring the small children? Have they tried every possible remedy for water retention only to keep getting fatter and fatter toes? I am seriously down to two pairs of nasty ass plastic white trash flip flops right now. I do not fit into anything. I have out grown my maternity clothes. And yet, I am still trying to get dressed, wear make up and keep it on my sweaty face. I feel so bad for the people who have to be around me right now because I am at the end of my positive attitude rope. In fact, I"m pretty sure I'm not even hanging onto the end of it any more. I am done. And yet, I still have 4-5 weeks left. Topped off with natural, drug free labor for the third time. Nothing like knowing what's coming and going for it anyways. And that's my gripe for the evening.

Wednesday, August 11

This quote just makes me stop and think

“If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware. The tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered around the house, the piles and piles of laundry lying around to be tackled, will disappear all too soon. And, you will, to your surprise, miss them profoundly.”~President Thomas S. Monson

I have to say that I just love August. I have always always loved this month, and it is, to this day, my favorite month of the year. For some reason, the air just smells better to me. The late summer nights are not quite as intense, but still warm and pleasant. It is still very much summer, but fall is barely beginning to poke into the frames of minds of most people. All good things that have happened to me have happened to me in August. My birthday is August 24th, I have started school every year of my life in August (and yes, I am one of those "nerds" who look forward to schoo starting), I moved to Montana and started my adult life in August, I started my first teaching job and got married in August and Cameron was born this month as well. Tucker was nine days short of being an August baby as well, but his due date was August 4th, so close enough.

And this year, I am anxiously awaiting August 26th, because that's when Cameron gets to start kindergarten. And I have nothing but positive feelings towards this huge event. Can't wait for her to go and learn and love school, but yesterday we were trying on school clothes and all of a sudden, I realized how much she's grown up. She's not a baby anymore, and while I never thought I would say this, time has seriously been flying by. She informed me she wants Sketcher Twinkle Toes for her school shoes. When did she become old enough to decide on her own school shoes? For god sakes, I looked at them, and first thing that I wanted to say was, "Those are absolutely hideous." And they are. But this is what the kids are wearing. And she wants them. And I didn't say a word. I was simply dumb founded that she in fact knows what Sketcher Twinkle Toes are. Of course, I now know it's because two neighbor kids have them and they have been wearing them. But I still can't believe she picked up on the "Everbody's wearing them" attitude, and she's five. This is going to be an interesting year. And of course, I will probably break down and get the shoes if I can find them on sale, but for now, I really just want her to want the shoes that I want and wear the shoes that I think a five year old would want to wear. And not make me feel like I'm old and out of date by thinking these shoes are hideous. I guess this is part of being a Mom that I'm about to begin to experience on a regular basis.

Monday, August 9

This one explains my ability to procrastinate

Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to live in the days before computers and texting and facebook. I consider myself to be a fairy productive person, most of the time, but the amount of time that I continue to waste on a repeat basis on facebook has gotten out of hand. When I say Facebook, I mean all social networking, including blogs, including online "browsing", and including basically any sort of time wasting activity online. When I wake up, I have to check out my e-mails, when I have a break during the late morning, I run up to check facebook.

I wonder what my procrastination style would have looked like if I were a housewife in the late 1800's or even the 1950's. Would I be so much more productive that I am now? Or would I have simply found a new way to waste time?

Regardless of this question, I have decided that I am so over facebook for more than one reason, but the first being just this. I feel so productive when my internet goes down and I actually get a room cleaned that wasn't on my scrambling list of things to do that day. Or, when, god forbid, I kick back with a book for a few minutes in the afternoon. I never do that anymore, because I'm always on the damn computer.

The other reason that I am over facebook is the incessant whining that goes on on there. Before facebook, I didn't realize how whiny humans are as a whole. I'm tired of it. I have actually gone so far as to block certain individuals, just because I can't handle the whining. And then I still continue to wonder what they might have been saying that day anyways.

And if it's not the whining, then it's the bragging. "I love my life", "I have the best husband ever" and so on.

Another thing that I dislike about facebook is when you have these so called "friends" and you know everything about them because of their posts, but then you see them in real life and you're not sure if you should mention their crazy Aunt Lucy who passed away this week or not. Because really, you're not that close to them anyways. It's just an awkward social situation.

And lastly, you can't do ANYTHING without somebody talking about it, or tagging a photo of it, or linking up to it. And I'm tired of it. I don't want the whole world knowing what I did for lunch today and who I did it with. And I'm not even doing anything out of the ordinary.

My overall opinion of facebook is that it's a nasty habit that I am working on kicking. It enables people to know too much about someone. And it wastes my time. Just think of all the time I could have if I wasn't obsessed with finding out who is having a wonderful day or a terrible day today, whose kid finally went potty on the potty chair, and whose great Aunt will be terribly missed.

Once again, I apologize for the hormonal rant. It's probably just pregnancy hormones, but this is what I'm feeling today. Maybe I'll go post that on facebook.

Sunday, August 8

This one is about my girl

Between a little girl's birthday party during the day, a family get together later that evening, and Tucker getting his foot broken playing football with my 17 year old brother during the party, we had quite the busy, exhausting, and eventful 5th birthday party for Cameron. Can't believe she's five. Seems like just yesterday.....well, here are some shots of yesterday for ya....

Sorry, no birth photo here, I didn't have a digital camera until she was nine months old, can you believe that? So here is one when she is about 11 months old, just starting to walk and full of life. Sorry it's sideways, exhausted and not going to take the time to flip it.

And here she is just barely two and ready to be the flower girl for the SECOND time in Uncle Jake and Aunt Ashley's wedding.

And birthday number three, which was one of my favorite parties. She was into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so we did a Minnie Party. She knew this was her big day and she seriously was all sunshine and smiles.

And my big girl turning four. I can't help but picture her when she's 16. Can you say gorgeous? Of course I'm predjudice, but she's just turning into such a cutie. This year was all about pink, pink, and more pink. Complete with a princess party and the princess castle cake that I seriously worked on for 12 hours at night, while she slept so it would be a surprise.

And now, she's five. Not a baby anymore. Ready for school and learning and loving life. She's such a joy and keeps me happy because she wants to be with me ALL. THE. TIME. Whether it's crafts, baking, cleaning, painting toes, whatever I'm doing, she wants to do it with me. It can be exhausting, but in the end, I savor every minute, because she's only five once and pretty soon she'll have better things to do than hang with mom.

So this is where we're at in life. Seems like just a blink of the eye. We had a wonderful time celebrating birthdays. It's exhausting to have both kids back to back, but so special because we really get into birthday "Mode" and make a big deal about each kid. And then it's over and it's time to pack away the party streamers and not worry about it again until next year.

Of course, I just got the party streamers packed away today because as soon as we got up the morning after Cameron's birthday, I had an OB appointment in Boise, then turned around and picked up Tucker back in Emmett and headed back over the hill to the Orthopaedic Clinic to look at his foot, which I was sure I was overreacting about, but you know that lingering feeling you get when you just KNOW something is wrong? Like an ear infection and you go to the doctor and you say, "He's not really sick, I just know." And you're right? Well this was one of those things. I kept thinking about his foot and was sure it was in fact, broken. And it was. In three places. He was playing football with my brother and things got a little wild. High school quarterback lands on my babies foot. hard. He wouldn't walk on it, he just crawled around the house. Still smiling, my easy going Tucker. But now he's in a walking cast for three weeks and using it like there isn't anything there at all. Kids are resiliant, that's all I can say. And I got my first taste of broken bones way before sports started. Boys will be boys, I guess.