Thursday, December 23

My Year In Status

Anybody out there heard of facebook? Of course you have, and if you're like me, you realize what a time sucker it can be. And the newest application that will suck the time right out of your day is the Year in Status application. Facebook is able to go back in and find random posts from your 2010 and organize them into this beautiful template that makes your life not look quite like such a chaotic train wreck. Until you start reading and you realize that over a fourth of your posts involve puke or other bodily functions of children. And then you realize that yes, this is exactly what my 2010 looked like. And it makes me smile. Because some day I won't have any puke to clean up, or kids cranked out on sugar highs, or contractions to watch and compalin about. And for now, this is life defined as perfect. If you get a chance, check out this application. It's the perfect waste of a chunk of your day.

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