Saturday, January 29

5 Years Old Card

I can't believe it, but I actually got all three kids to sleep last night and worked on a birthday card for our good family friend's birthday party today. She is turning five and I just picked up the first set of coordinating paper laying around and busted this out. Pretty proud of how it turned out! Used lots of stitching, straight stitch and zig zag to add texture and detail.

The paper is from Bo Bunny Press and the FIVE and the green circle were cut using the cricut. Flowers, gems and Tulle were all things that have been lying around for awhile.

Happy 5th Birthday!

Sunday, January 23

30 By 30

So with Brody hitting the four month mark here this week, and with it being January, and Spring and Summer coming up faster than we realize, I decided that people are going to be using the "She just had a baby" excuse less and less. Therefore, it's time to start working my way back to where I was when I got pregnant this time.

And so after Tucker came along, I used the "I'm nursing" excuse to eat whatever I wanted. But, but the time he was ten months old, I decided it was time to do something. So, I joined a local weight loss challenge and I dieted for 12 weeks and I drank my shakes and drank my water and I won the weight loss challenge. I looked pretty darn good. And then I got pregnant and let me tell you, baby number three is brutal. I gained way more weight with this one, I had a longer recovery time, and my body looks like a train wreck. I have already lost 35 pounds and I have 30 more to go. You can do the math, or I can just tell you that it is indeed possible to gain over 60 pounds of weight with one pregnancy. Granted, it was through the entire summer and it was hot, and alot of it was water, but this is what's left and I am determined that by the time I turn 30 in August I will shed the last thirty pounds.

So this is where the 30 by 30 came in and so it's back on the Herbalife and the water and the working out. I have heard great reviews on Jillian Michaels and her 30 day shred.

And I happened to see it on sale at Target for $7 so I decided to go for it. I am committed to thirty days of the shred. And so far, I have put in two days and I am sore and sore and sore in all areas, which is good because that means it's doing something.

And while blogging about weight is the last thing I have any interest in reading (for those of you who are still reading) I know that if I document it here and I know you guys know, I will be more apt to continue because I don't want to be a slacker and quit. So thanks for reading, and I will try not to bore you with the sweaty details of this endeavor, but I plan to be 30 and fabulous!

Tuesday, January 11

Gingerbread houses

I apologize to those of you who are trying to rid themselves of the Christmas holiday, but I am just now getting around to downloading my December photos onto my awesome new computer, so I decided to share gingerbread creations with you anyways.

And so this is our second year of getting together with my Mom and sisters and baking. I don't particularly like baking, but I feel like its one of those things that every good super mom not only knows how to do, but ENJOYS doing it. And since I am in an epic battle to become one of those super moms, one day in December, I get out the red and green sprinkles and the frosting and the sugar and we bake for a day straight. What ever we don't get done on that particular day, I can gurantee it won't get done on any other day, because I HATE SPRINKLES IN GROUT! I am still trying to get it swept up, I keep finding it, and I have swept and mopped atleast four times since. The worst is the little tiny rainbow ball sprinkles. They stick to socks, they leave little died spots in your white grout. I hate it. But the kids, of course, love sprinkles, as you can see from these awesome sugar cookies, and so, I digress for one day. They can dump sprinkles to their hearts content. And then that's it.

As you can see from the photo, there are lots of little reasons why the sprinkles end up in the grout, but the main reason is always the child that is closest to age two, and this year it was my sweet neice Dallie. Dallie was LOVIN life being able to decorate cookies and graham cracker houses to her hearts content. But you can also see half of a container of frosting on her shirt and a variety of candies scattered around her. Dallie decorates with flair and she had a blast.

Cameron on the other hand, is quite particular and wants to be older than five. So, when my 15 year old sister decorated hers in all pink and white candies and it looked half professional, Cameron decided she didn't like her own house. Oh the drama. After all, she's just a hormonal, over dramatic teenager trapped in a five year old's body.

And then there is sweet, sweet Tucker. Who is just happy to do anything. In an effort to make this activity a little more boy friendly, Grandma Mary helped him decorate his house in Boise State colors.

And check out the amount of sprinkles the kid is laying on that poor cookie. Yeah, Matt was loving having to politely choke that one down. I'm pretty sure he's going to need a root canal after crunching on all that sugar! "Do you love it Daddy? Is it delicious?"

And of course Brody was laying low this year, but I had to share just how cute he is. Can you even stand it? I would think he was cute even if he wasn't my own, and I hardly ever think other people's babies are cute. Just sayin'

Monday, January 3

The grand essentials of happiness:
Something to do
Something to love
Something to hope for

Believe it or not, this was part of a graduation speech on a cheesy ABC Family sitcom called Greek. If you haven't seen it, it's one of those grow on you shows that I can't quit watching. Makes me think about my own time on campus, but I am especially fond of the lovable, cute nerd named Rusty that the show is centered around. And I'm so excited because a new season of Greek just started tonight, so for the next few months, Matt and I will be found on Monday nights watching this show, no matter how cheesy it is.

And while I'm watching Greek, I'll be working on my new Project Life--Turquoise edition. Can't wait to get that going, just arrived in the mail today! I am three days away from having my first year's Project Life finished, and I cannot begin to tell you how fufilling it is to have an entire year's worth of memories documented and completed. I have about 10 packed to the brim scrapbooks, probably over 500 12X12 layouts that I treasure, but this book is so real. It's not dressed up with chipboard and stitching and endless ribbons and embellishments. It is life. Real life. The pictures are what really goes on in the Brown household. And it's not all pretty. Some days I had nothing else to photograph except for a line up of cold medicine and Vicks on the counter. Lots of photos show Tucker learning to go potty, because let's face it, 2010 involved a lot of potty training. It also shows a pregnancy test, ultrasounds, lots of days that I was too miserable to take a photo because I had morning sickness all day long. And yet, somehow, I managed to piece together a story that tells what it was like in 2010. And I love it. And while I am just switching over to a new computer, and I haven't had the opportunity to download any recent photos onto my new machine, take my word for it, and order Project Life on Amazon. And stick with it. And don't get down on yourself when you don't. Just make it what it is. Real life. And love it.