I would like to think that tomorrow and the next day I am going to have time to add all of the photos of all of the activities that we have been participating in over the past month or so, but realistically, I still have some small stocking stuffers to grab, I still have some presents to wrap, I have neighborhood gifts to deliver, I have wine bottles to decorate, beer bottles to turn into reindeer, laundry, dresses and shirts to iron for Christmas eve Mass, fingernails to trim, hair to cut, eyebrows to pluck, ornaments to rehang on the tree, glitter to sweep up, cards to sign and mail, and kids to spend time with.
This week my best friend from high school is here visiting her family and friends all the way from Nashville, Tennessee. It is always a good time when she is home. We love to get togehter and reminisce. It's always a good reminder of the fun we had back in the day. And it's truly a blessing to have "old friends" who have known me since I was fifteen. What a journey we have led together!
My kids get to go to my other best friend's house, also a friend from high school, but closer now than then because of our tie of teaching third grade together and having kids the exact same age who are also good friends. What a blessing to have another Mommy to dig through the trenches of motherhood together! Anyways, she is such a brave soul, she's having 10 little girls and 2 boys for as long as they have interest over to make gingerbread houses tomorrow afternoon and we are very much looking forward to that!
And while they are creating, I will be home busily wrapping and finishing up some loose ends and getting even more excited for the up and coming visit from the North Pole.
This is going to be such a year full of magic! It's so hard not to just go crazy over board for the kids because I have such fond memories of the Christmas's that we had in our house when we were little and my Mom and Dad always went all out. It's something that I will never forget. And I want the same for my kids. So while 364 days of the year I try my best to establish a lifestyle of hard work and gratitude, on Christmas it's all about the presents and the spoiling! Matt and I are more excited than the kids!
Matt is especially excited that he has a Barbie house, a Razor Rip Rider, and a basketball hoop to build out in his shop. So glad I get to do the easy part of shopping and ordering and he gets to do the dirty work of being Santa's construction elf.
And so, again, I appreciate each and every one of you reading this blog and look forward to getting back on track with even more posts in 2012.
May your family experience the same love and gratitude that we have for our life and the blessings that God has given us. Have a wonderful, fantastic, and truly magical Christmas.