1)Project Life (all caught up)
2)Valentine cards for our monthly swap (almost done)
3)Cleaning house....since my scrapbooking is all packed away, leaves lots of "idle" time to clean
4) POTTY TRAINING and I am so proud to say I think we're through the actual training part of it an on to the POTTY REFINING stage. This means that Tucker knows when to poop and where to go...almost makes it to the toilet every time. Except that once when he pooped on my foot, and today, twice, when he pooped on the side of the toilet. But, we're in the general vicinity, so I'm still stoked. This also means that we can, indeed, venture out into public. I may be an optimist, but I'm not an idiot. I pack a couple pairs of pants and underwear just to make it to Albertsons. So far, no public accidents, but the smallest thing, such as a doughnut in the bakery can make him loose all track of self control. Congrats to Tucker!
And Cameron is getting sick. How do I know? Because always the day or two before she gets sick, she gets really really mean. Picks on everybody from me to the dog and fights with herself. And she gets these really weird looking purple rings under her eyes. It's coming, yay for me! I found this old shot of her from a couple of years ago. I think this is when she stopped looking like a baby, and started looking like a little girl. One of those photos that really aren't that great, but I love it just the same.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! We are off for haircuts for both kids and then home for rests. I plan on deep cleaning my bedroom this afternoon, and Matt has threatened to divorce me if I don't make a decision on colors for my scrapbook cabinets....can't decide between smoky blue or sage greenish. It's so permenant. I can't decide what I want to look at ever day! The walls are tanish colored and the cubicles are all going to be crisp white, it's just an accent color and also the cabinets and drawers will be painted this color. What to do, what to do....so I may just take the afternoon and search around the web and see if I can find any inspiration.
My best friend from high school is coming into town tomorrow night. Haven't seen her for a while. Should be a good time. Always fun to reminisce about the good old days. Looking forward to spending time with her this weekend. Yay!
Yeah for Tucker!! That didn't take very long!