Monday, February 15

Sunday Book Review--4

Once again....a day late, but here is my weekly review!

Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth by Jenny McCarthy

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I was pregnant with Cameron, Matt and I would go to Boise to run errands. Except, I didn't have the energy to "run" anything. So he would drop me off at Barnes and Nobles and he would go on to Home Depot to look at "Man things". In the meantime, I would find something random and find a comfy chair and two hours later he would pick me up. This was one of my random finds while I was pregnant.

This book is a little vulgar, but realistic. If you still believe that pregnancy is all flowers and butterflies, I wouldn't recommend it. If you are like me, and you really don't like pregnancy. Or you like it, but you are able to embrace the fact that it's just not the best time in your life. Or, if you simply realize that some things in pregnancy are just downright funny, then this book is for you!

When Matt came to pick me up, I had just about a fourth of this book left to read. I had to break my rule of never paying full price for a hardcover book. I bought it. I read the rest in the car while he ran yet another errand. And I hadn't laughed at my condition until this book. I love Jenny McCarthy. Especially since she has embraced motherhood the way she has, taken a stand on nutrition and auto-immune disorders (autism, etc). And I love that she's real. I would recommend this to anyone with a sense of humor who is, has, or will become pregnant. And guys too. Matt laughed at quite a few parts of this book.

View all my reviews >>

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