Every once in a while, there will be something that simply calls my name away from my current situation as Mom and wife and brings me back to the girl that I was during college. I don't do this very often. I don't often go out with old friends and relive my college scene. I'm completely content to move on from there and enjoy this current stage of existence that involves maternity jeans and potty training. But....once in a while.....I just get to thinkin'......
And I can't help but remember when I lived in a shitty apartment in the bad part of town (and didn't care). Spent my entire paycheck on cheap clothes that I still couldn't afford (and didn't care). Had nobody to answer to but myself. Was completely engrossed in my passion of learning how to teach school....and also looking for boys that would help pass the time inbetween classes. Eating out with good friends, even if that involved being broke for the rest of the week just to enjoy a nice dinner out. Knowing just exactly which bar you could sneak into and avoid getting carded while you were 20 1/2 and oh so close to being legal anyways. Knowing that this was probably going to be the best time in my life, and enjoying ever second of it. And it's true. It was the absolute best time of my life for sure. I hold my college years dear to my heart for a lot of reasons. And one special show that I associate with friends and Sunday night HBO is Sex and the City.
Every Sunday night we would get a cheap bottle of wine, a brick of cheddar cheese, a cutting board, and a knife. We would watch the show, eat the cheese and drink the wine. It was such a good time for us girls.
After I moved home from school, one friend in particular stuck with me in our love for the show, Mattie. When the final episode ran, she came to my house and we scared my husband while we sat on the couch and cried while Carrie finally ended up with Mr. Big. When the first Sex and the City movie premiered, we met up and of course, went to the show together. And now, the second movie is scheduled to premiere on the 27th. And so we have been texting and organizing our trip to the theatre to continue on the tradition.
I can't wait for next Friday. I usually never leave my kids for something as selfish as an afternoon movie, but this is reason to celebrate. And for two hours, I get to be the girl with the friend, watching the girls who are friends and laughing at all the situations, ooohing and ahhing over the fashion, and enjoying the, "I am SO Charlotte" conversation that will immenetly happen afterwards. And then I will call and check on the kids to make sure everything is okay and to let them know that Mommy is on her way home. Can't wait.
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